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Iran’s fishery industry has shown remarkable growth in the past year, as reported by the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration (IRICA). The latest statistics reveal significant increases in both the quantity and value of fishery exports, with shrimp emerging as a dominant contributor.
Export Performance
In the fiscal year beginning on March 21, 2023, Iran exported a total of 149 tons of fisheries and aquaculture products, amounting to USD 310 million in value. This represents a notable 12% increase in weight and a 3% rise in value compared to the previous year.
Among the exported fishery products, shrimp stood out as a major revenue generator, constituting a substantial portion of the total export value. Shrimp exports alone accounted for USD 98.4 million, commanding a significant 32% share of the overall export value.
Key Export Destinations
Iran’s fishery products found their way to various global markets, with notable destinations including the UAE, China, Russia, and Iraq. These countries served as significant partners in facilitating Iran’s fishery export endeavors.
While Iran’s export performance soared, the nation also witnessed a considerable surge in fishery imports. Import figures reveal an influx of approximately 24,000 tons of fishery products, valued at USD 72 million. This marks a substantial 121% increase in weight and a 113% rise in value compared to the previous year.
Import Sources
The primary sources of fishery imports for Iran included the UAE, Ghana, and Seychelles, with the latter being the smallest African country. These nations played a pivotal role in meeting Iran’s domestic fishery demands.