In recent times, the global market for blue shrimp has witnessed a notable 40% recovery in volumes, bringing a glimmer of optimism to Mexican producers. However, the...
Ecuador finds itself grappling with a decline in both exports and imports in 2023. The Ecuadorian Federation of Exporters (Fedexpor) sheds light on the factors contributing to...
Honduran exporters of farmed shrimp continued to prioritize the Taiwanese market in 2023, despite the diplomatic rupture declared by the Honduran government. According to a report from...
The Brazilian Military Brigade seized over BRL 2 million (USD 406,000) worth of shrimp without provenance in the southern region of the country. The operation unfolded following...
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently disclosed detailed data on seafood entry line refusals, highlighting a significant focus on shrimp shipments. In December, the...
Salmon is poised to maintain its status as the most lucrative sector in aquaculture throughout the first half of 2024, according to the latest Global Aquaculture Update...
The Japanese Government is actively considering investment opportunities in the port of Henecán, located in the southern region of Honduras. The National Port Company (ENP) recently revealed...
The Government of Guyana has announced its plans to infuse a substantial sum of 97.6 billion GYD (466 million USD) into the agriculture sector. Finance Minister, Dr....
In the coastal city of Mazatlán, Mexico, the fishing sector has faced a significant decline over the past decade, reaching a critical point of vulnerability. The absence...
The shrimp fishery in Tonalá, Mexico, is currently experiencing an unprecedented challenge, with fishermen reporting a significant decline in shrimp production. In recent days, not a single...
Fishermen and aquaculturists have come together in a wave of mobilization, uniting in solidarity for the cause of supporting Mexican shrimp. The focal point of their demand...
Vietnam is actively embracing technological advancements and strategic planning to navigate the challenges and establish a unique trajectory for its future growth. Despite being available in over...
Honduras reported a shrimp production of 131 million pounds in 2023, as revealed by data from the National Association of Aquaculturists of Honduras (Andah). 61% of this...
Ecuador's President, Daniel Noboa Azin, has declared a state of emergency in response to the nation grappling with an unprecedented level of gang-related violence, prompting urgent measures...
Fishermen in Angostura, Mexico, particularly those operating in Santa María Bay, are facing a challenging situation as the production of blue shrimp has seen a significant decline....
In November 2023, the United States experienced a surge in shrimp imports, with data from the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) revealing a notable 11%...
The Ministry of Agriculture, Land, and Fisheries in Trinidad and Tobago is set to launch a four-day program offering free courses in aquaculture, beginning on January 26,...
In Mazatlán, Mexico, the majority of shrimp vessels are moored, disrupting the supply chain and causing a domino effect that is impacting the livelihoods of many. The...
The Secretary of Economic Development of Honduras, Fredis Cerrato, recently addressed the challenges faced by shrimp producers in the southern region of the country. In his statement,...
The red shrimp harvest in Chubut province, Argentina, has kicked off with a promising start, as reported by the Argentine National Ministry of Fisheries. In December 2023,...