In recent years, Ecuadorian shrimp has emerged as a formidable competitor to its Indian counterpart, altering the dynamics of the global shrimp market. The primary factor contributing...
In the face of global challenges within the shrimp market, certain Asian countries are actively working to sustain production and exports. Despite a notable decrease in imported...
The UEB (Unidad Empresarial de Base) of CALISUR (La Camaronera del Litoral Sur), the primary cultivator and exporter of shrimp in Cuba, is gearing up for an...
The US government is currently engaged in a thorough investigation into allegations of dumping and subsidies related to frozen warm-water shrimp products exported by Indonesia, Ecuador, Vietnam,...
Ecuador's National Chamber of Aquaculture (CNA) recently reported a significant increase in shrimp exports, reaching 1.11 million tons in the first 11 months of 2023. This marks...
In a recent update, Ecuador's National Chamber of Aquaculture (CNA) has disclosed alarming figures regarding the country's shrimp sector, indicating a staggering loss of nearly USD 1.5...
Starting from April 2023, the largest supermarket chain in the Netherlands, Albert Heijn, is set to transition to a transparent and more sustainable tropical shrimp supply chain....